4 Essentials to your WFH Space

Presently, everyone around the globe is hooked on their laptops or desktops because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We tend to balance the laptops either on the bed or on the couch and at times on the kitchen top or the windowsill. According to NorthOne, 58.6% of the total US workforce are remote workers. Most employees also say that they are more productive working from home. Work from home has its pros, such as more family time, no commute, no water cooler talks, more exercise, liberty to take breaks. Since this culture is here to stay, it is also essential that your work-from-home space is productive and healthy? Let us give you some ideas.

Go Green

A bit of greenery is of no harm to anyone. You must have heard about Fortune plants. Fortune plants are a symbol of good luck. These plants are usually on the windowsill or a tabletop. Looking at subtle hints of nature or green around the room makes you feel relaxed and keeps the mind calm. Plants provide you with a soothing atmosphere and keep your mind stress-free while working.

An ergonomic workstation

An ergonomic workstation is when your desk and other complementary stuff such as a water bottle, pen, and paper are arranged in an orderly way so that you can reach it and use it comfortably. It also promotes a good sitting posture, and also at what level and distance is the laptop to be placed. While sitting on a desk, make sure that your eyes are parallel to the top of the laptop screen, and then you can see the screen well if not there can be assured neck problems. You can buy a proper chair and table so that your back doesn’t hurt. Placing a cushion behind your lower back while working can be a comfortable way to work.

A little decor

A little revamping is always refreshing. You can use photo frames, hand-blown glass vessels, wall hangings. Quotes jotted down on the whiteboard can be an adequate motivational symbol. You can have posters of quotes like ‘It’s never too late to begin’ or ‘I can figure it out.’ These affirmative statements bring a sense of motivation and self-belief to your workspace. Also, it’s always good to place something on the wall rather than staring at a blank one. It is said that your surroundings and the objects next to you make a huge impact on your work.

Let there be light

Working in a room where there is a lack of light can reduce thought processes and bring dullness. It will also cause strain on the eyes. A table lamp can solve the lighting problem and can be of great help while working at night. During the day, see that the room that you work in is bright or choose to sit next to the window. LaRue suggests. “Even if the view isn’t great, having more visual freedom can make you a lot happier and inspired while working” A window can be a source of inspiration, and you also get some breeze and sunlight.