8 Easy To Grow Indoor Plants For Your Home

Are you looking for a way to include some green in your home? Indoor plants have various benefits: they purify the air and enhance our homes simply by boosting the aesthetic value of the space. However, it’s crucial to select the right plants for the task. Here are eight low-maintenance indoor plants to consider.


Aloe is a low-maintenance succulent with elongated leaves that radiate out from a central base in a vase shape. On a sunny kitchen window, try smaller types like Aloe vera. Aloes look great in dish gardens and Southwestern-themed homes. Keep the prickly leaves away from locations with a lot of foot activity.


Anthurium’s showy blossoms provide vibrant color for eight weeks or more each year, also known as the flamingo flower. Flowers are red, although hybrids in pink, lavender, white, and green are available. Because they endure so long, Anthurium flower blooms make excellent cut flowers. Keep in mind that the lovely heart-shaped leaves contain deadly sap, so keep dogs and children away from them.

Asparagus fern

Asparagus fern (Asparagus densiflorus) has stems that grow upward and outward, making it an excellent hanging basket plant. The beautiful red berries grow from white blossoms concealed amid the needles. Make sure to keep children and pets away from the deadly berries.

Peace lily

The peace lily can endure little care, low humidity, and low light. Its glossy, lance-shaped leaves grow at the tips of arching stems that encircle the center flower spikes. The spoon-shaped blooms bloom throughout the summer, but several varieties bloom at different times of the year.


Peperomia’s most noteworthy characteristic is its leaves, which come in many shapes, textures, and colors (from heart-shaped to narrow) (green, reddish or silvery gray). Plants occasionally grow slender flower spikes that resemble rats’ tails. Use on tabletops and in dish gardens and mixed baskets as a companion. The plant can withstand the low light of a north windowsill while being compact enough to fit on a desk or in a terrarium.

Cactus for Christmas

Christmas cactus, one of several easy-care cactus varieties, has an elegant arching look with long segmented stems and whorls of satin blooms in lilac, deep pink, salmon, red-orange, or white. Mid- to late December is when the plants blossom. After the flowering period, remove by pinching or cutting off numerous parts with a sharp knife. It promotes the plant to branch, resulting in a larger, more blossomed plant.


A cane like stalk bears arching pointed leaves up to 12 inches long, frequently marbled with white or cream. Dieffenbachia is a tropical architectural accent with big leaves that fit nicely into a mixed foliage ensemble. The poisonous sap in the leaves and stems of dieffenbachia induces tongue numbness and swelling when chewed by people or pets, earning the nickname “stupid cane.”

English Ivy

The charming temperament of this multipurpose leaf plant makes it ideal for hanging baskets or containers. English Ivy is a great houseplant to grow as a groundcover behind big houseplants or training on topiary forms. Place the stems of English ivy on a mantel or shelf so they may dangle down.